SANAY: Sanay leaves are used for alleviating toxins from our body.
TRIVIT: Blood purification properties of this herb are quite effective in the treatment of skin diseases.
GULAB: Rose petals are very stable to control acidity.
SESSAM: It possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used in the treatment of chronic bacterial infections. It is used as a remedy in many diseases including skin diseases, blood diseases, and stomach related problems.
RAKATACANDANA: The treatment of diseases of the blood, stomach ulcers. It has the remarkable property of healing pimples, scars, boils, wounds, bilious affections and other blemishes of the skin. It can make the skin smooth and attractive.
GUDUCHI: Guduchi helps in boosting up the immune system. It helps to remove extra toxins from the body and rejuvenates the body. This herb helps to maintain a balance between all necessary ailments of the body. This herb helps to prevent the body from diseases and maintain overall health.
HARITAKI: Haritaki is a remarkable herb with versatile effects and this single herb is used to cure various disorders associated with the body.
SHATI: It acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory agent.
CHIRAYATA: Chirata helps create more blood in the body. Anemia can be treated using this plant. Chirata is the skin's best friend. Their antioxidant property helps clear the skin.
GORKHMUNDI: It is believed that Gorakhmundi acts as a very good blood purifier to remove toxins from the body.
PITPAPRA: Dried and powdered whole plant material is taken with water twice in a day for two weeks which helps in purification of blood.
KACHNAR: Bitter taste flowers of this tree are a natural blood purifier and help to expel extra toxins and waste from the body.
NEEM: Consumption of neem leaves or powder stimulates kidneys and liver increasing the metabolism and eliminating the toxins out of the body. It is the best natural herb for the cleansing of blood and used as a blood purifier. It acts as an antioxidant and is used to boost the immune system of the body.
TULSI: It is very effective in autoimmune diseases. It acts as an anti-oxidants and detoxifier.
KARCURA: It is a very effective herb for skin ailments.
DARUHARIDRA: As a blood purifier decoction of daruharidra and rasanjana used in combination, is salutary in the secondary stage of syphilis.
CHOP CHINNI: It is used to treat various skin related disorders.
BABOOL: It acts as a detoxifier. It is the best herb for the management of internal as well as external health problems.
KOLA: It helps to reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, improve gastrointestinal health, and boost antioxidant capacity.
SATAVARI: This herb helps to maintain healthy energy levels and strengthen the body. It is a very good natural antioxidant that helps in detoxification of the body.
ANATTMOOL: It is one of the best detoxifying herbs which helps in cleaning the body inside out. It has got amazing health benefits as it helps to purify the blood and improve skin texture as well.
ASHOK: The natural cleansing properties can help the body to stay toxin free. It is helpful to maintain the overall health of females.
AMALTAS: It is antipyretic and best used in bleeding disorders. This herb is helpful to manage skin problems and also helps to maintain the overall health.
MAJISHTA: It acts as a blood purifier, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.
MULETHI: Licorice root is extremely beneficial for skin, as it helps in protecting your skin from various skin disorders such as rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin. Thus, helping in keeping your skin healthy. Mulethi benefits include boosting your immunity system, which helps in giving your body the strength to fight many diseases and illnesses. This helps your body from being affected by harmful diseases.
HARIDRA: It is very useful in enhancing complexion and is an ideal skin tonic. It also protects skin allergy. It works as a natural detoxifier and helps purify the blood. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in nature. It is a very effective herb for curing digestion disorders and skin ailments.
BAKUCHI: This plant is a natural blood purifier. It is used to boost the immune system and process of detoxification of blood. Seeds of this plant are used to cure various skin disorders. It also used to cure worm infestation.