Papaya: It improves digestion. Papaya has the following activities: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer. Chymopapain and papain which are among the plant constituents are being useful for digestive disorders and disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sonth: the aqueous extract of ginger protects the gastric mucosa from stress-induced mucosal lesions and inhibits gastric acid secretion probably by blocking H+, K+-ATPase action, inhibiting the growth of H. pylori and offering anti-oxidant protection against oxidative stress-induced gastric damage.
Kachur: stimulant, tonic, depurative, vertigo, during pregnancy
Vidang: It is being used in worm infestation, infections in body, indigestion, constipation, etc.
Kapurkachri: It is used in the treatment of indigestion
Ajwain: Traditional practitioners recommended the herb as a digestive stimulant medicine. It is now proved that Ajwain can increase the secretion of gastric acid, bile acids, and activity of digestive enzymes. It may also reduce food transient time. As the enzyme modulatory activity, Ajwain reinforced the pancreatic lipase and amylase effectiveness, which may support the digestive stimulant activity.
Pipali: General debility, dyspepsia, flatulence.
Nagarmotha: It is used in indigestion and irritation of bowel syndrome, According to the Ayurveda, Cyperus Rotundus rhizomes are considered astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic, carminative, litholytic, stimulant, stomachic, and tonic.
Sat pudina: Pudina is used as a carminative, anti-peptic ulcer agent, antispasmodic, and has been used to treat indigestion.
Sat ajwain: Ajwain is one of the aromatic seed spices, which is generally used for medicinal purposes as a digestive stimulant. The dietary spices that markedly reduced the food transit time also enhanced the activity of digestive enzymes and/or caused a higher secretion of bile acids. It helps in the reduction in food transit time could probably be attributed to an acceleration of the overall digestive process as a result of increased availability and potency of digestive secretions.
Citric acid: Citric acid is used as an acidifying agent.